Silvia Bacher – Author, Writer & Subeditor from Carinthia
Welcome to my Homepage!
The art of writing is to put thoughts into word and create harmonious flowing texts. This is my job, my craft, my passion and love for the written word.
Here I like to show you my achievements as a freelance writer and author and start with showing you excerpts from my books, so you can get to know my style of writing.
Isabell went back into the kitchen, like walking on glass, entering the crime scene, the venue, a room she will never be able to linger in peace again. You want to move out anyway, this will be the next step of your new found freedom. It's time, the clock is ticking relentlessly. Isabell spread out a blanket next to HIM. Now she hast to put the corpse, she assumed HE was dead, on the blanket. She grabbed one of HIS arms hesitantly and tried to pull HIM. This is gonna be difficult, she thought and kept pulling. The body actually moved, if only a tiny bit …
Das ist KEIN Diätbuch – a guide for a healthy diet
I bet you have already tried dieting once. How did you fare? You lost some weight probably, but: Afterward you gained back most of those pounds, unlike promised by those miracle diets, that were propagated by some women’s magazine as the next best thing on the market. It's phenomenal – in spring their sales go up, every year. But why? Because every time there is at least one new diet. And this one is the ultimate one, that definitely works this time. You shed pounds, You are lithe and lissom. Forever? No!
You can find out more about the books I have already published on the following pages!
My offers containing the perfect text:
I am your contact for high-quality texts and careful corrections of all kind. Contact me, if you need support in the writing area. I am looking forward to it!
Now offering services together with my creative family:
- Text translations German-English or English-German
- Novel web design
- Sound design for video productions
Feel free to contact me with your wishes regarding texts - I am looking forward to your message and can assure you'll greatly satisfied with my work!
Yours sincerely,
Silvia Bacher
Author, Writer & Subeditor from Carinthia
Introducing Silvia Bacher – Author, Writer & Subeditor from Carinthia
If you have any questions or plan a writing project, that needs my support, feel free to contact me!
My name is Silvia Mondschein, my maiden and author name is Silvia Bacher. Together with my partner, my son, two pot-belly pigs and 4 chickens, I live in the beautiful and rustic Metnitztal in Carinthia.
My hobbys are very unspectacular: I am reading alot. Thrillers, crime novels, also non-fiction in the health and medicin section. The field of health and nutrition can also be found in my guides. Years of working as a freelance journalist for a diverse set of women’s magazines, gave me lots of knowlege, I wanted to share.
Studying psychology offered me a deep insight into the human soul, which reflects on my novel writing. WALDESNACHT is followed by my second novel HÖLLENSCHMERZ. More Information under: Books. I want to entertain with my thrillers, inform with my guides and generally encourage contemplation.
My profession is my passion
I always give my all in my occupation as a writer and editor and fully draw from my pool of creativity. I write texts for websites, scientific papers, editorial posts of all kind and carefully correct and edit all sorts of text work. I am glad to be your contact person, if you need support writing or designing texts, no matter the field or subject area. Just fill out the contact form or send me an e-mail - you can also call me!
Due to demand, now offering:
English-German or German-English translations, carried out by my son, with a lot of experience and passion for the english language. Also offering unique sound design for videos, by a thoroughbred musician. And, if you wish, my son can also code a modern and very stylish website.
I will gladly send you a price list, if you are intrested.
I'm looking forward to your messages and will be glad to be your contact for the perfect text - in Carinthia and beyond!
My slogan: "Write short - and they will read it. Write clearly - and they will understand it. Write graphically - and they will keep it in mind."
Joseph Pulitzer, 1847-1911
Sigi and me
"A novel is a mirror carried along a high road. At one moment it reflects to your vision the azure skies at another the mire of the puddles at your feet."
Stendhal, Marie-Henri Beyle, 1783-1842
Books by Author Silvia Bacher from Carinthia
My Books:
All of my books are avilable on Amazon, HÖLLENSCHMERZ also directly from the publisher Love Boom Bang:
My Amazon page:
HÖLLENSCHMERZ - Thriller - Taschenbuchformat und e-Book
WALDESNACHT - Thriller - Taschenbuchformat und e-Book
Das ist KEIN Diätbuch - Taschenbuchformat
Natürlich schlank ohne Hunger - e-Book
Schlank und vital in den Wechseljahren - e-Book
Idealfigur mit der Kraft der Gedanken - e-Book
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